
Adobe Player Issues on YouTube

Youtube is one of the most popular websites on the Internet. Frustration can result if using it proves challenging to use with your Adobe Flash Player. Some problems are easier to fix than others, however.
  • Older Computers

    • If you have an older computer or operating system, the current version of Adobe Flash Player may not be compatible. Adobe Flash 9 still works with operating systems such as Windows 98 and Mac OS X 10.1. Keep in mind, however, that older versions of Flash may not work with YouTube.

    Choppy Video

    • If you find video playback choppy, a common cause is a slow Internet connection. It is possible the problem is "server-side," however, meaning the issue lies with YouTube's connection. If your computer consistently encounters problems playing videos, try pausing them and wait while they finish buffering.

    Videos Never Load

    • Videos might get stuck on the loading screen, displaying a small spinning circle in the center of the player. This may be caused by slow connection speed. It may also be caused by a player conflict. If you have QuickTime installed, for example, it may be set to automatically stream Flash files. Only Adobe Flash, however, should be configured as the default Flash player.

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