
Animal Rescue Fundraising Ideas

  • Stuffed Animals

    • One way to garner donations for your animal rescue organization is to sell stuffed animals with the proceeds going to support your efforts. If you are a registered non-profit, you should be able to purchase stuffed animals in bulk at a reduced cost. Alternatively, make an arrangement with a business that will donate the toys to you in exchange for advertising them as a sponsor. Depending on whether you are a registered non-profit, they may be able to claim it as a deduction on their taxes. Another approach is to sell products on a site like CafePress, selling, for example, teddy bears, T-shirts or posters featuring a design or your organization's logo.

    Support an Animal

    • It's important to utilize technology to get your message out to a global audience via the worldwide web. Create a website to raise awareness and the necessary funds for your organization's needs. To develop a website, use a program such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage, or take advantage of Tripod's SiteBuilder tools (a more user-friendly option) to create your organization's website. Engage the public in a campaign to "support or save" individual animals. You can use photos of the animals themselves as well as people in your organization from staff to dedicated volunteers in your promotional materials as well as on your organizations website.

    Animal Rights Event

    • Host an animal rights event in your area to help your organization's efforts toward meeting your fundraising goals. Advertise your event in a local paper, schools, posters bulletin boards and through distributing flyers. Use a graphics program to develop your animal rescue materials. If you want to print larger materials, such as posters, take a copy of your design to a print shop for printing. Ask local talent to perform at your event. Have speakers talk about the animals that have been rescued and the needs that exist in your community for more to be done. Alternately, consider hosting a movie day with animal-themed films such as "Black Beauty," "Charlotte's Web" or "All Dogs Go to Heaven" for families and charge admission. Rent a local theater or show your film on a large screen in the park.

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