
Bankruptcy Assistance Project

Managing debt and personal bankruptcy are traumatic realities faced by millions of Americans. It is estimated that only a small fraction of affected people are aware of agencies that can assist them either manage their debt or file for bankruptcy.
  • Financial Law Reform

    • In 2005, new U.S. laws were enacted that made it harder for delinquent consumers to have their unsustainable debts forgiven by filing for bankruptcy. They were also designed to make it harder for those unable to pay to receive endless lines of credit. However, they were also designed to provide financial protection, relief and advocacy for financially responsible, hard-working Americans, particularly in cases of home foreclosure.

    New York Bankruptcy Project

    • Most states have introduced attorney-led programs such as the New York Bankruptcy Project, which provides legal assistance and workshops for low-income earners to help restructure their debts with creditors to affordable levels to stave off filing for bankruptcy.

    Direct Representation

    • Apart from financial-planning workshops, counseling and advice, various agencies provide qualified volunteer attorneys and paralegals willing to represent clients in filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy protection.

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