
Cable Digital Phone Features

  • Unlimited Calling

    • Digital phone plans tend to include unlimited outgoing calls. Subscribers who spend a lot of time on outgoing calls benefit greatly from flat-rate savings, sparing themselves from surprisingly hefty bills at the end of the month.

    Free and Low-Cost Long Distance

    • Within the context of unlimited outgoing calls, cable digital phone plans usually include free long distance service to the continental United States and nearby countries such as Canada and Mexico, and sometimes even extending out to include Caribbean and Europe.

    Clear Signal

    • Because digital phone service runs through your cable company's fiber optic network, you do not have to worry about interference that often permeates basic land line telephone service from telephone companies. You also do not have to worry about losing service due to inclement weather.

    Voice Mail

    • Cable digital phone often eliminates the need for an answering machine or expensive paid voice mail services. As a digital home phone subscriber, your company will either include voice mail in your monthly subscription, or provide the service for a small fee.


    • Digital phone combines several calling features that your local telephone company might charge for individually. Cable digital phone packages include Caller ID, call forwarding, call waiting, speed dial and more for no additional charge. In some cases, you may have to choose from a handful of the available features if they are not all included in your package.

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