
Different Ways to Make a Baby Sleep

    • Nap when your baby naps. baby image by Dron from Fotolia.com

      Newborn babies need 15 to 20 hours of sleep each day. This is an essential and important activity for a baby and difficulties can cause sleep deprivation for both newborns and parents. It's important that everyone get the sleep they need. A few sleep tips will help the situation.


    • A darkened room is best as it's a visual cue to baby that something is different. A white noise machine is helpful in blocking normal house sounds like the television which might startle him or her and interrupt sleep. When up during the night for feedings, keep the lights low and conversation minimal. Playtime is for daytime. A bed with warm flannel sheets and a temperature of 70 degrees is comfortable and relative humidity should be approximately 50 percent.

    Bedtime Rituals

    • Babies thrive on routine and nap times and bedtime routine is especially important. As soon as the baby is showing signs of sleepiness it's wise to get him into bed quickly. If you wait, he may become cranky and hard to settle. A warm bath and an infant massage are good ideas. Make sure your baby's nose is clear and his diaper is dry. Add a sense of security by swaddling him with a warm blanket. When he is still young, introduce a lullaby or a musical toy. As he grows, he will become accustomed to falling asleep to that familiar sound.


    • Babies need to be fed often. You'll want to stretch the nighttime feedings farther apart until baby and you both sleep through the night. During the day, if your baby sleeps more than four hours between feedings, gently remove his outer blanket and offer a feeding. Just before you go to bed, offer another feeding. A breast or bottle-fed baby will usually fall asleep naturally. Altering the baby's natural sleep pattern takes time.

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