
Diner Dash 2 Secrets

    • The gameplay in "Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue" involves seating and serving restaurant patrons, all the while offering customer service extras to maximize their happiness and your score. The secret to achieving expert-level scores is knowing the correct strategies to use with the different combinations of customers, items and staff in your restaurant. Knowing how to get the most out of your assets will help you deal effectively with any onslaught of difficult customers.

    Strategic Seating

    • Each customer type has habits and patience thresholds that determine how likely they are to annoy and be annoyed by other customer types. Finding seating arrangements that keep customers from becoming unhappy is more vital to earning a high score than matching the colors of the customer outfits with their seats. Do both if you can, but prioritize customer compatibility. Families and cell phone addicts are the noisiest customer types, and bookworms have the least patience for noisy neighbors. Keep them separate even if it means subjecting a party to a long wait for a table. Joggers don't annoy or become annoyed with other patrons, so use them strategically to create a buffer between noisy and easily annoyed diners. As soon as you get the bench, seat new customers there before you show them to a table, even if you have available tables. They'll get a small mood increase that makes it easier for you to keep them happy.


    • Offer dessert to customers unless you're absolutely overwhelmed with patrons waiting to be seated. Desserts increase your customers' moods before they leave and they're your best chance to earn the maximum customer score. The only time you want to skip offering dessert is when you've had to seat a noisy customer next to a bookworm or businesswoman. Don't take the chance on those customers becoming annoyed enough to walk out, because the point loss can cripple your chances to earn an expert store. Just give the check to your noisy customers to get them out of the restaurant.

    Podiums and Chaining

    • Once you get the podium, use it as often as possible to raise waiting customers' moods. Taking the podium doesn't disrupt your chain bonuses for performing the same action multiple times, so you'll earn the bonus while keeping your customers happy. During the earliest and latest portions of your shift, work the podium until you get four groups of customers, then seat them all at once. They won't get unhappy while waiting, and you'll have a better opportunity to keep incompatible customers apart.

    Extra Help

    • At level 23, you can call for extra help for part of the shift. Use the drink server until you reach level 27. His drinks boost your customers' moods. At level 27, you can call a hostess, who will work the podium for you. At levels 30 and above, call the hostess late in your shift. Her presence at the podium lets you give the seated customers extra attention with snacks, drinks and desserts, and by the time she leaves, the restaurant traffic will have thinned out to an easily manageable level.

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