
DIY Solar Food Dehydrator

As the green movement grows, so do the number of seasonal outdoor and indoor gardeners, and, as a result, the followers of seasonal, organic diets. Those that don't or can't garden make an effort to purchase fresh, local and organic produce. When winter comes on, seasonal and local diets can become limited. You can avoid this pitfall with a solar dehydrator. Not only do these items preserve summer foods for winter consumption, they save energy by using the power of the sun to do it.
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      Clean and dust off your old windows. Wipe them down first with regular window cleaner and rinse them at least three times. Spray them a second time with apple cider or white vinegar and rinse them again. This disinfects your windows for use with food. Your single-pane windows should be the same size. The screen window may be about an inch smaller. Single-pane windows have a single, undivided pane of glass instead of pieces sectioned by molding.

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      Place one of your single-pane windows in an open area. Hold your black spray paint 6 inches from the window and paint one side completely black. If you need more than one coat, let the window dry for an hour between coats. Let the final coat dry overnight.

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      Measure the sides of your single-pane windows. Add 1 inch to the short end measurements and subtract 1 inch from your long edge measurements. For instance, if your windows are 24-inches wide by 36-inches long, your ending measurements will be 25 inches and 37 inches.

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      Cut two pieces of MDF 25-inches long (in this case) and 5-inches wide. Cut two more pieces 35-inches long (in this case) and 2-1/2-inches wide. Cut two 25 inch pieces of 1/2-inch wide dowel (your dowels should be as long as your short end pieces).

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      Run a bead of Liquid Nails along one side of each dowel. Place your dowels lengthwise along the center of your short end pieces. Let the Liquid Nails dry for at least two hours.

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      Place your short end pieces against the short ends of your unpainted window. Drive screws through these pieces into the ends of your windows. Repeat with the black window, making sure the painted side faces up. The result should be a hollow box with the windows as the top and bottom.

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      Flip your box over so the unpainted window is the top. Screw one long edge piece into the front long edge of the unpainted window.

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      Lay one side of the piano hinge from your hinge kit along the open side of your unpainted window. Drive the screws from your kit down through the holes, making sure the hinge opens up toward you. Screw the other side of the hinge into your second long edge piece. This creates a door so you can fill and empty your dehydrator.

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      Open your narrow door and slide your window screen into the dehydrator on top of the dowel rods. The sun will warm the top, enclosed area of the dehydrator. The screen will allow warm, moist air to escape and the black painted window will warm the undersides of the food as well.

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