
Duties of an Episcopal Senior Warden

    • The duties of an Episcopal senior warden, sometimes known as the vector's warden, vary from congregation to congregation though there are lots of similarities. The specific duties of each senior warden in every congregation should be outlined in an agreement between the rector and the congregation. The senior warden role is to often fill in for the rector of the church when the rector is absent.


    • The wardens of the church are responsible for overseeing four main areas in the church. First, they are responsible for issues pertaining to all legal aspects regarding properties and legal contracts. Second, they are mandated to ensure that the financial standing of all accounts is maintained accurately. Third, they are responsible for ensuring that the parish functions with regular services and acts on behalf of the rector (when he is ill or cannot perform his duties). Last, the senior warden must assist the rector and support him with his other roles and responsibilities.

    Chief Legal Representative

    • The senior warden is the chief legal official of the church and therefore exercises lawful authority in all legal and financial matters. His role is very similar to the chief financial officer of most corporations, as he oversees the preparation of the annual budget, handles all issues related to bank accounts and signs off on all investment decisions. He is the only one legally authorized to enter into legally binding agreements and signs as the representative of the vestry on all legal documents.

    Parish Functioning

    • The senior warden must make sure that religious services occur on a regular basis. He must be familiar with the programs and the overall mission of the congregation, as it is his responsibility in seeing that these are implemented in accord with the congregation's wishes.

    Rector's Confidante

    • The senior warden follows the rector in the chain of command of the parish. He is the one who needs to act in place of the vector when the vector is unavailable. He must tend to and support the rector in his ministry -- this includes dealing with issues of confidentiality, informing the rector of issues requiring attention, and helping maintain the good health of the rector by looking out for his spiritual and physical well-being.

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