
Good Manners for the Lunchroom

    • New friendships can start in the lunchroom. Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images

      Lunchtime in school is kind of a big deal. For around a half-hour, you don't have to learn; you get to hang out with your friends, and, best of all, you get to eat. Though, just because you are not in the classroom doesn't mean that you do not have to behave yourself. Having good manners in the lunchroom can make everyone's lunch more enjoyable, even if just fish sticks are being served.

    No Cutting

    • Cutting in line is rude and unfair. Even though a friend may offer the spot in front of him, he does not reserve that right; to be fair, everyone behind him would have to agree. To show respect for your fellow classmates, follow the general procession of the line and head to where the line ends.


    • Most lunchrooms, given their warehouse-like size and structure, typically have bad acoustics and a lot of echo. Speaking in an "inside voice" will allow you to do your part in keeping the noise to a dull roar. Sit next to your friends so that you can talk easily and freely; if you need to tell someone sitting across the lunchroom something, wait until you see him later instead of yelling across the room.


    • Be polite and respectful of other students by not being exclusionary and allowing anyone to sit with you. School can be a brutal place, and people are judged unfairly. Allowing someone unpopular to sit with you and your friends can be beneficial to all; for the outcast, as it allows him to feel accepted, and for you, since you have the chance to make a new friend.

    Stay Seated

    • Remaining seated throughout your lunch allows your teachers and lunchroom monitors to have a break, and it allows you to enjoy and properly digest your lunch. You will have plenty of time to run around during recess and after school, so take a moment and just enjoy sitting with friends.

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