
How to Bulk Up in a Short Amount of Time

When first beginning a bodybuilding regimen, the key concepts are to be consistent and patient. However, if you want to bulk up quickly, there are things aside from taking steroids that will help. By following a few simple weight lifting rules, you can achieve substantial muscle gain in a short period of time. According to the American Council on Exercise, when bulking up, you must adjust your diet and daily routine in order to achieve fast results.
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      Eat more daily. In order to bulk up you need to provide your body with 20 times your current body weight in calories. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should be eating 3,000 calories each day. This provides your body with the nutrition it needs to devote energy into bulking up your muscles.

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      Consume more protein. Protein replenishes your muscle's energy stores after a workout. To provide your body with enough protein to bulk up quickly, consume the number of grams of protein equal to twice your body weight in pounds. Use protein shakes and bars to achieve this high level of protein intake. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be consuming 300 grams of protein daily. For best results, at least 30 grams of your protein consumption should be 30 minutes prior to exercise.

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      Perform muscle mass building exercises three to five days a week. Mass building involves working more than just one muscle group so that you receive maximum benefit from the time expended. Examples of mass building exercises include weighted squats, dead lifts, bench-pressing, pull-ups, dips and military presses. The American Council on Exercise recommends performing three to five sets of 10 to 15 repetitions of each move in your workout routine. You should include at least five exercises in your daily routine.

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      Minimize rest time in between sets of exercises in your routine. The shorter the rest period, the harder your muscles will have to work to sustain the exercise. While a long break in between sets feels comfortable, the shorter the break the more strain your muscles experience. Ideally, you should be resting for 10 to 15 seconds between each set of repetitions, says the American Council on Exercise.

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