
How to Customize Perforated Raffle Tickets

Organizations host raffles to raise money by selling chances to win different items. You can purchase generic raffle tickets but if you want a more professional look, you can customize and print your own. Various manufacturers produce blank perforated tickets and offer templates to help you create your own design. Single tickets are available for customization or you can select blanks with a removable stub for your purchasers to retain as proof of purchase. Perforated blank tickets are available as sheets with 10 tickets per sheet.
    • 1

      Purchase blank perforated raffle tickets.

    • 2

      Install the template for your tickets from the CD included with your tickets, or download the template from the ticket manufacturer. Install the template in your processing program's template folder.

    • 3

      Open your word processing program and select "New Document" from the file menu. Select "Template" and open the template for your ticket style.

    • 4

      Type the information you want on your ticket. Include contact information for the purchaser and prize information. You do not have to number the tickets although numbering them will make them look more professional.

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      Type the date of the raffle and a statement regarding whether the purchaser must be present to win the prize.

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      Include your organization's information. Include your logo if space permits and if you have one by clicking "Insert" and browsing through your pictures to your logo image.

    • 7

      Click "Print Preview" under the "File" menu to view your tickets before you print them.

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