
How to Enforce SSL

Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) is a protocol that protects your readers' information by encrypting the website's data. The Windows Web server lets you turn SSL off and on. Turning SSL on enforces it on your website's pages. This is beneficial if you have pages that ask users to log in, or if users need to enter personal information such as financial or medical information.
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      Click the Windows "Start" button. Type "iismgr.msc" into the text box. Press "Enter." This is the shortcut command to open the Windows Web server console.

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      Double-click "Server Certificates." In the right pane, click "Complete Certificate Request." Select the location of your SSL certificate and enter a friendly, recognizable name. Click "OK." This adds the encryption services to the server, but you must also bind it to your website.

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      Click the "Bindings" link on the right. A new window opens. In this new window, click "Add." Select "HTTPS" from the protocol drop-down and choose the website for which you want to bind SSL services. Click "OK."

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      Right-click your website on the left pane. Select "Restart" to stop and start your Web server. SSL is now enforced on the website.

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