
How to Identify Plants in Arcadia, Florida

If you live in Arcadia, Florida, you have the opportunity to identify species of plants by taking note of the distinguishing characteristics that they display. Plant varieties, such as flowers and bushes, grow in all sizes and colors and thrive in the central part of the state.
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      Note whether the plant grows as a shrub, tree, palm, ground cover, vine, grass or other form. For instance, both the red maple tree and the bluestem grass are native to the Arcadia, Florida, area.

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      Inspect the colors of the plant, paying special attention to the foliage and blossoms. The carolina jessamine, for example, produces solid yellow flowers and has green leaves that have reddish purple tips and branches.

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      Watch for any flowers that bloom during the year and record when they appear. Some vines, such as the dutchman's pipe, grow white and purple blooms during the summer and winter.

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      Look to see if the plant attracts any insects or wildlife. The sweet acacia shrub, for instance, is a common nesting area for birds, and carolina aster is a food source for the pearly crescent butterfly larvae.

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      Point your browser to an Internet resource such as the Florida-Friendly Landscaping "Plant Database" or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) "Advanced Search" page. Use the database menus to make your selections based on your notes and then click the "Find Plants" or "Display Results" button. Click through the listings that appear until you identify the Florida plant.

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