In Windows 7
- 1
Open the Start menu. Type "regedit" in the "Search" box. Press "Enter" to open the Registry Editor console.
- 2
Click the plus sign next to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USERS" subkey in the console's left-side window panel to expand the folder's contents. Click the plus sign next to the "Control Panel" subkey.
- 3
Click directly on the "Desktop" folder. In the end the following subkey should be open: HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\Control Panel\Desktop. Verify that you have the right subkey open by looking at the subkey listed in the address bar located along the bottom edge of the Registry Editor window.
- 4
Double-click "ScreenSaveActive" in the right-side window panel. Type "0" in the "Value data" box to disable the screen saver. Type "1" in the "Value data" box to enable the screen saver. Click "OK."
- 5
Right-click "ScreenSaveTimeOut" in the right-side windows panel and select "Modify" from the shortcut menu. Type the number of seconds you would like the computer to be idle before the screen saver becomes active in the "Value data" box. For example, if you enter "600" the computer needs to remain idle for 10 minutes before the screen saver becomes active. Click "OK."
- 6
Double-click "SCRNSAVE.EXE" in the right-side window panel. Type the directory location of the screen saver you want to use in the "Value data" box. For example, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ssstars.scr." (Screen saver files have a .scr file extension. All Windows default screen savers are stored in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 folder.) Click "OK" to save the settings.
- 7
Right-click "ScreenSaverIsSecure" in the right-side window panel. Type "1" in the "Value data" box if you want to lock the computer when the screen saver becomes active. Type "0" in the "Value date" box if you don't want to lock the computer when the screen saver becomes active. Click "OK."
In Windows XP
- 1
Click the "Start" button from the left side of the Windows XP task bar. Click "Run" in the Start menu to open the Run command prompt. Type "regedit" in the "Open" box. Click "OK" to open the Registry Editor console.
- 2
Double-click "ScreenSaveActive" in the right-side window panel. Type "0" in the "Value data" box to disable the screen saver. Type "1" in the "Value data" box to enable the screen saver. Click "OK."
- 3
Right-click "ScreenSaveTimeOut" in the right-side windows panel and select "Modify" from the shortcut menu. Type the number of seconds you would like the computer to be idle before the screen saver becomes active in the "Value data" box. For example, if you enter "600" the computer needs to remain idle for 10 minutes before the screen saver becomes active. Click "OK."
- 4
Double-click "SCRNSAVE.EXE" in the right-side window panel. Type the directory location of the screen saver you would like to use in the "Value data" box. For example, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\ssstars.scr." Click "OK" to save the settings.
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