
How to Read Free Romance Stories

In 2009, Sarah Rotman Epps of Forrester Research forecasted the next five years would witness an explosion of the eReader market and recommended that publishers proactively shape their own eReader opportunity. No genre has embraced the eReader market as enthusiastically as the romance genre. Perhaps it is because some see reading romance such as Mills & Boon as a private pleasure, but the sales of eBooks soared upon the arrival of the Sony Reader into the market. Free romantic fiction abounds on the Internet, and so it is the place for free novels.
    • 1

      Access free Mills & Boon romance novels by visiting everyonesreading.com where there is a title from each of their series available to download. Once you have made your choice by clicking on a novel, the next page comes up with the details and the different formats in which it is available. Below each format is a button for downloading the free software necessary to be able to read the novel.

    • 2

      Go to Freeonlinenovels.com and choose romance from the list of Novels by Genre on the right-hand side. Browse and choose a novel from the list brought up. Once you click on a title, the front page and the blurb comes up along with a list of available formats such as .mobi for Kindle readers, LRF for Sony readers, PDF or if you wish to read online, you can choose HTML, JavaScript or Plain Text. Choose your desired format and settle in to read.

    • 3

      Visit ebooknook.com and click on the index of free love stories to view the books online, ranging from short stories to longer novels. There is no downloading necessary here, all you need to do is to click on a title, and the story appears for you to read online.

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