
How to Restore 8mm Tape

The best way to restore images from an 8mm tape is to convert the images to a new, more flexible format. While you can transfer to another tape or clean the tape you have, you are quite limited in what can be done to the tape in order to correct what is on it. By moving the tape to a digital format, you have much of today's technology available to correct whatever is wrong with the current 8mm tape.
  • Capture

    • 1

      Install the transfer software. This is usually a CD that comes with the camera or deck. Just like your standard still-shot digital cameras, the company provides a way to transfer the files to your computer.

    • 2

      Connect the 8mm tape deck or camcorder to your computer. FireWire is usually the preferred cable connection as it preserves the quality of what is being transferred, but some cameras allow for standard AV cable output.

    • 3

      Open your transfer software, usually called "video-capturing." Walk through the steps until it is time to run the tape.

    • 4

      Insert the tape into the camcorder or tape deck.

    • 5

      Select your output file type from the software. This can be .mov, .mpeg, wma4, or any other number of file types. Use what is best for your editing software.

    • 6

      Select "Capture" on your software and "Play" on your player to begin the capture. Let the capture finish and, by the end, you will have a file on your hard drive.


    • 1

      Open the new file in your video-editing software. This will allow you to see the current state of the footage.

    • 2

      Run the "Color correct" option on the software. When you become more advanced, you can change the coloring frame by frame on your own, but to do a general restore the program has pre-set levels.

    • 3

      Run the "Sound Equalizer" option on the software. This will do its best to fix any sound discrepancies or "pops" in the analog sound. Some programs can even create imitated stereo sound from this analog video.

    • 4

      Build a DVD from the newly saved footage. At this point you can even output back to 8mm if you want, knowing the footage is preserved in digital format.

    • 5

      Burn the new DVD. This will contain your corrected footage.

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