
How to Start Your Own Wholesale Vitamin Store

People consume vitamins on a daily basis to fight a multitude of diseases and deficiencies and to give their body a healthy boost. Vitamin shops are available in many cities across the world, but a wholesale vitamin business can be a hard find. Suppliers sometimes give buyers steep discounts on vitamins that will soon expire or have been returned because of damage to the packaging during shipping. Invest your time and money into a wholesale vitamin shop and enjoy a lucrative career as an entrepreneur.
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      Apply for start-up funds that will be used to secure a building, purchase vitamins and pay for monthly expenses by completing the necessary paperwork and submitting documents to a financial institution. According to Entrepreneur.com, vitamin stores require between $50,000 and $100,000 in start-up funds. Search for private and federal grants through your local chamber of commerce. Speak to friends and relatives about investing in your vitamin shop.

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      Complete paperwork at your local municipality to receive a business license and permit. Depending on the state where your vitamin store will be operating, you may be required to obtain a business license from the city, county and/or state.

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      Secure a location for your vitamin shop that is easily accessible to your target consumer base. A store front along a busy city road would be easy for customers to stop in after work to make a purchase. Ensure you have ample parking so buyers will visit your establishment instead of a competitor.

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      Find a supplier that will meet your needs by searching websites that list suppliers, such as KelleySearch or Global Sources. Ebay also provides discounted products, but shop with caution. You are the shopper at this point in the process and need to find the best deal on quality products, so obtain several price quotes before making large purchases.

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      Display your vitamins and other items in a logical order. For example, set up an aisle that only displays vitamin A. Place all of the various brands of vitamin A that you sell in this area. Do the same with complementary items you may sell, such as pill organizers. Vitamins come in a variety of forms. So designate a small portion of your store to powders or liquids.

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      Create a children's corner that features soft, flavored vitamins. Display posters in this area for parents to quickly read the value of giving their child a daily vitamin.

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      Design a membership rewards card that customers can present when they make a purchase. On the tenth purchase of $20 or more, give them a 50 percent discount on a $20 bottle of vitamins of their choice. Monetary rewards encourage customers to become loyal patrons. Print these in abundance so that during your grand opening you can offer them to your consumers.

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      Create a consultation area using a counter and window where customers can ask questions. Place a bell on the counter for clients to ring if a clerk is not available.

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      Create information pamphlets for the best-selling vitamins. Include information about vitamin deficiencies, how to get certain ones through a healthy diet and how to ensure that ingested supplements are absorbed by the body.

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      Launch an online component of your wholesale vitamin store to reach more customers and increase your bottom line.

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