
How to Use Bar End Shifters

Bar end shifters are small metal levers mounted to the ends of a bicycle's handlebar and connected by a thin metal wire to the front and rear derailleurs. Moving these levers up or down switches the bicycle's chain to another gear, allowing for easier pedaling on difficult terrain. This type of shifting mechanism is most often found on drop-style handlebars and is widely used by touring and racing cyclists for their convenient location and versatility. With a bit of practice, using bar end shifters will become second nature.
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      Learn the orientation of your bar end shifters. Follow the connecting wires from each shifter to learn which lever controls the front and rear derailleur. Straddling the bike, the shifter on the left typically corresponds to the front derailleur and the right to the rear.

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      Move your left lever downward to switch your front derailleur to a lower gear (smaller chainring) when approaching a steeply rising hill. Move it upward to switch back to a higher gear (larger chainring) when approaching a downhill descent.

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      Move your right lever downward to switch your rear derailleur to a lower gear (smaller cog) when approaching a small or gradual hill. Move it upward to switch back to a higher gear (larger cog) when descending a hill.

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      Ride your bicycle. Take a test ride and alternate between all of your gears, front and back, with your bar end shifters. This will help you become comfortable with how the shifters operate.

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