
Ideal Temperature for Composting

To achieve the ideal composting temperatures, you must have the proper size and balance of materials. Generally, a 3 by 3 foot pile with a good mix of materials will be sufficient to reach the high temperatures that are necessary for efficient anaerobic composting.
  • Destroying Unwanted Organisms and Seeds

    • The ideal temperature range for the destruction of pathogenic organisms and unwanted weed seeds is between 135 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit. At these temperatures, the decomposition process will also be more rapid.

    Parasites, Cysts and Flies

    • Eggs of parasites, cysts and flies can survive for prolonged periods even at temperatures of 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of this, Washington State University Whatcom County Extension recommends that compost be kept at 150 degrees Fahrenheit or above for the majority of the composting period.

    Unnecessary Heat

    • It is unnecessary and undesirable to have temperatures above 160 degrees Fahrenheit for extended periods of time. Few organisms actively decompose above this temperature.

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