
Ideas for DJ Logos

    • Market yourself as a DJ with a clever logo. Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

      Being a DJ has both benefits and responsibilities. While you have the power of selecting music for specified events, you have the responsibility of selecting music that people will want to dance to and which will keep the energy of the event high. Finding work as a DJ is competitive, so being able to market yourself is essential. Having a fabulous logo is one way to make you stand out among the competition.


    • The problem with a lot of logos for DJs is that they all look too similar. Many DJ logos incorporate images associated with music and being a DJ, such as music notes, headphones, DJ booths and people dancing. Incorporate images with more originality, such as those that evoke the way that people feel when they listen to good music, e.g., ocean waves, rays of sunshine or the sensation of flying. You can pair common images, such as musical notes, with these less common images so that the logo makes sense.

    DJ Name and Slogan

    • Create the idea that you're special with a DJ name and use it on your logo. For example, "Bill Adams, DJ" is not as impressive as "DJ Rock It, Man." You can even incorporate elements of your real name with your DJ name. Your logo should also have your slogan somewhere near the main image. Your slogan should be more than just a witty phrase, it should help people remember you and ultimately serve to get you more work. For example, "I don't go home until you've danced all night" is both charming and gives the reader a taste of what you're about.

    Strategic Font

    • Include an extraordinary font that makes the image of your logo stand out even more. The font on your DJ name and your slogan should be something that matches the image of your logo or deliberately contrasts it. For example, if your DJ logo has something to do with musical notes dancing on electric ocean waves, you should either select a font that is evocative of these images such as a long, curvy scrolling font, or a very different, jarring, geometric font. Don't choose a font that's so artsy it's hard to read, as that might hurt your business. Make the font that bears your DJ name a larger size than the rest.

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