
Marketing Ideas to Solicit New Business

    • Marketing is an important part of business. Without a good marketing plan, even the best business in the world will fail. You must constantly work to attract new customers or clients to your business. The tactics you use depend on your situation. A marketing tactic that works for one business might not work for another. Your best option is to learn about numerous tactics, and try those that are feasible for your situation.

    Write a Column

    • The U.S. Small Business Administration suggests writing a column or article for a trade publication, business journal or local newspaper. Writing about the subject of your business or service will position you as an expert. Any topic related to your business or service will suffice. For example, a dentist could write a column about the dangers associated with bad dental hygiene. A chef could write an article discussing the importance of kitchen safety. The column should provide helpful information, and not sound like an advertisement. You will gain exposure from the byline and contact information printed with the article.

    Buy an Advertisement

    • Purchasing local advertising space is one of the best ways to attract new business. You can advertise on the radio, in a newspaper or on a billboard. The method you choose will depend on your budget and target audience. If your budget is small, a billboard probably won't be cost effective. A small ad in the newspaper or on the radio might produce better results for less money. If you want to attract people worldwide, then advertising online is something to consider. Sometimes it's possible to buy ad space on popular websites or advertise within search engines, such as with Google AdWords.

    Buy a Qualified Mailing List

    • A "qualified mailing list" is a list of people interested in the product or service you offer. They might not know about you, but they're in your target market. The Microsoft Business website reports that reliable lists are available from sources such as alumni associations, list brokers, trade groups and professional organizations. Once you have the list, it's possible to send direct mail or contact prospects on the phone.

    Network with Other Professionals

    • Joining an organization with professionals not in your field can possibly lead to new business. Some cities have general business organizations that meet for networking events a few times per month. The Chamber of Commerce is one such organization. Joining your local Chamber of Commerce can provide you with new contacts. Take business cards and brochures to networking events and spread the word about your product or service.

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