Manual Procedure
- 1
According to Medtronic, all instruments should be cleaned within 30 minutes of use. Place the devices in a tray filled with distilled water or cover them with damp towels.
- 2
Using a non-shedding, disposable wipe, remove any tissue residue and bodily fluids from the instrument.
- 3
Use a neutral pH enzyme solution to rinse and flush the device and its internal components.
- 4
With a soft bristle brush, scrub the instrument until it is visibly clean. Concentrate on the hard-to-reach areas such as crevices, connectors and mated surfaces. Clean the lumens with a soft, nylon-bristled brush that is long and narrow.
- 5
Soak the instrument in an enzyme solution while sonicating at 45 to 50 kHz for 30 minutes.
- 6
Using a mechanical shaker, shake the instrument at 250 oscillations per minute for 30 minutes.
- 7
Thoroughly flush holes, lumens and other hard-to-reach areas with a fresh enzyme solution.
- 8
According to Medtronic, you should use purified water to rinse the instrument for a minimum of three minutes. Ensure the equipment and water from the rinse are free from residue, blood and other contaminants. Once again, flush the hard-to-reach areas but use water this time.
- 9
Submerge the instrument in a cleaning solution and sonicate at 45 to 50 kHz for 30 minutes.
- 10
Flush the hard-to-reach areas with a cleaning agent.
- 11
Once again, according to Medtronic, you should use purified water to rinse the instruments for a minimum of three minutes and concentrate on the hard-to-reach areas.
- 12
Use a clean, non-shedding, and absorbent wipe, to remove all excess moisture from the instruments.
Combination Procedure
- 1
According to Medtronic, all instruments should be cleaned within 30 minutes of use. Place the equipment in a tray filled with distilled water, or cover the instrument with damp towels.
- 2
Using a non-shedding, disposable wipe, remove any tissue residue and body fluids from the instrument. Then use a neutral pH enzyme solution to rinse and flush the device and its internal components.
- 3
With a soft bristle brush, scrub the device until it is visibly clean. According to Medtronic, you should concentrate on the hard-to-reach areas such as crevices, connectors and surfaces that meet. Clean the lumens with a soft nylon bristled brush that is long and narrow.
- 4
Submerge and soak the instrument in an enzyme solution while sonicating at 45 to 50 kHz for 15 minutes. Then remove the instrument and rinse it in purified water for at least one minute. According to Medtronic, you should once again concentrate on all hard-to-reach areas.
- 5
Place the device in a disinfector basket in a suitable washer, and set it to pre-wash with softened, cold tap water for four minutes. Use enzyme spray and hot, softened tap water for 20 seconds.
- 6
According to Medtronic, you should soak the instruments in the enzyme solution for four minutes and then rinse with softened, cold tap water for 15 seconds.
- 7
Set the detergent wash with hot, softened tap water at a temperature of between 150 and 154 degrees Fahrenheit or between 66 and 68 degrees Celsius for four minutes. Afterwards, rinse with hot water for four minutes.
- 8
Thermal rinse the instruments with hot, softened tap water at temperatures of between 181 and 198 degrees Fahrenheit or between 83 and 92 degrees Celsius for five minutes. Use purified water at the same temperature to rinse for 10 minutes.
- 9
Use hot air to dry the device for 15 to 30 minutes. According to Medtronic, the temperature should be 167 degrees Fahrenheit or 75 degrees Celsius.
- 1
After disinfecting the equipment, begin sterilization. Medtronic recommends moist heat (steam) sterilization. Ensure you remain within the manufacturer's recommendations when you are sterilizing multiple instruments.
- 2
According to Medtronic, each instrument must be prepared in trays or cases in a manner that allows "steam to penetrate and make direct contact with all surfaces."
- 3
According to Medtronic, the temperatures and steam cycle times depend upon the type of equipment to be sterilized.
- 4
Temperatures range between 250 and 273 degrees Fahrenheit. Steam time ranges from four to 60 minutes.
- 5
After completing the steam cycle, dry the equipment for 30 minutes.
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