
The Perfect Worms for Composting

Apartment dwellers or homeowners without the space for a compost pile can set up a worm bin indoors to turn kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost. An effective worm bin requires choosing the correct species of worms.
  • Types

    • Red wiggler worms (Eisenia fetida), also known as tiger, brandling and manure worms, naturally live in leaf litter, not under the soil. As they eat their way through organic matter, they digest it into compost. Red wigglers are the best choice for worm bins, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension.


    • Don't give in to the temptation to use nightcrawlers and other worms that you find in your garden. As the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension points out, these worms need cooler temperatures and a tunnel system provided by soil. They will die in a worm bin.

    Finding Worms

    • You can purchase red wiggler worms from specialty garden catalogs or worm suppliers. If you or a friend has an existing compost heap, you may be able to find red wigglers there, according to compost expert Barbara Pleasant. One pound of worms will consume 1/2 lb. of garbage per day.

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