
Pot Size for Hydroponic Tomatoes

According to Arizona University, 4.3 billion lbs. of hydroponic tomatoes are consumed annually. Hydroponic tomatoes are grown in a nutrient solution containing water and fertilizer to produce high-density crops in areas where the soil is not conducive to tomato growth. Growing hydroponic tomatoes can be very productive if the plant is grown in the right pot.
  • Seeding Trays

    • When hydroponic tomatoes are initially planted they should be placed in seedling trays that contain a soilless product (such as peat or perlite) and watered daily. After watering the first time, a layer of vermiculite should be spread on top of the peat or perlite to help retain moisture in the seedling trays.

    Growing Blocks

    • Roughly two weeks after the tomatoes have been seeded, they should be transplanted to growing blocks or small pots. The extra room will allow the plant to produce a strong root system.

    Final Planting

    • Hydroponic tomato plants can mature to a height of up to 40 feet and 20 to 30 lbs. Even though they can grow quite large, this plant only requires 2 square feet of space to grow. The final pot should allow for this amount of space.

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