
Powerpoint Non-Profit Leadership Training

Microsoft PowerPoint can be an invaluable tool to engage an audience during non-profit leadership training sessions. According to The Open University, "Seventy-five percent of what we know comes to us visually," and it's becoming more important than ever in the non-profit world to use visual technology to your advantage.
  • Content

    • Define the most crucial and impactive points in your presentation and bullet them, including three to four on each slide, leaving the details for verbal elaboration. The non-profit world is built largely upon relationships, so spend time engaging the audience rather than reading to them. Slides should be used as guides only.


    • Non-profits are constantly coming up with creative ways to spread the word. In order to keep their attention, you'll need to do the same. Import relevant images, community statistics charts, custom diagrams, or even videos of what's working in other organizations to better illustrate your purpose.

    Presenter Advantages

    • The freedom in presenting PowerPoint provides makes it especially effective for non-profit training because of the social and collaborative nature of the group. Presenters can include notes only for their view to help them through their speaking points without breaking the conversational tone of the presentation. PowerPoint also allows you to print handouts to distribute to trainees at the beginning of the session for them to make notes on and for use in the future.

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