
Primary Numeracy Policy

A numeracy policy, as a working document, reflects a whole-school approach to the mathematics curriculum. The subject leader, in collaboration with staff and administrators, usually takes responsibility for formulating and reviewing the policy annually.
  • Aims and Objectives

    • The numeracy policy establishes the aims and objectives for the math curriculum in line with the school's educational philosophy. It may reference expected outcomes for students and the desire to raise standards.


    • A section of the policy should define the scope of the curriculum in relation to state/federal requirements and standards, to demonstrate its progression and continuity across the age range of the school's students.


    • Effective numeracy policies describe how children access the curriculum, such as through a daily math lesson. The policy should also mention arrangements for gifted children, as well as those with special educational needs.


    • The numeracy policy identifies opportunities for assessment, including teacher observations, standardized testing and student tracking.

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