
Raccoons Causing Problems

Raccoons are a common nuisance in the suburbs. However, there are numerous strategies you can employ to minimize conflicts involving raccoons. As the adage goes, prevention is the best medicine.
  • Harassment Techniques

    • Bright lights and loud radios can be used to deter raccoons. Tune the radio to a rock music or talk radio station, and turn the volume up. Scented repellents are also effective.

    Preventing Nesting

    • There are several ways to prevent raccoons from nesting in your home. Replace damaged shingles, and cover any openings with one-half inch rustproof hardware cloth. Cover your chimney with an appropriate chimney cap, too.

      Raccoon cubs remain in the den until they are 2 months old, so wait to seal the entrance until the mother and her cubs have moved on.

    Preventing Garbage Raiding

    • In between garbage pick-ups, keep your garbage cans in a shed, garage or basement. If there's no food available, the raccoon will move on in search of a more reliable source. If left out, secure the garbage can lids with bungee cords or rope tie-downs.

    Be Prepared for Emergencies

    • Keep the phone number for your local wildlife rescue organization or humane society on hand. If a situation arises that you're unable to handle, they'll be happy to offer their advice and aid.

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