Make a family reunion easy to remember by handing out special souvenirs. Rob Melnychuk/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Make a family or class reunion even more memorable by offering souvenirs for guests to take home. There are many options for either type of reunion, and with some planning, you can gift the reunion attendees with a souvenir that will allow them to always remember this special event.
Have special t-shirts printed up for a family or class reunion. On the back of the t-shirt have the name of the event printed on it, such as "Class of '90 West High Reunion" and on the front of the shirt you could have the school mascot or slogan printed on it. For a family reunion, have the family's name emblazoned on the front or back, and the date of the reunion so family members will never forget this special day.
Photo Memories
You can use special computer software or hire a professional to make a really cool photo DVD for a reunion souvenir. If it's a class reunion, use old photos of everyone through the years, culminating with more recent photos of everyone in the class. A few months ahead of the reunion, you'll need to contact alumni to get copies of photos for the DVD. Set the DVD to some music, specifically songs that were popular while you were in high school. If it's for a family reunion, contact older relatives for family photos from long ago, and add those along with more recent photos. Family members will love seeing everyone through the years. Make a copy of the DVD for everyone to enjoy over and over again.
An interesting idea for a class reunion souvenir is to have bookmarks made detailing the year you graduated. Have popular songs and TV show, movies, the prices of gas and food staples and even the president's name printed on sturdy colorful bookmarks. Everyone will get a kick out of remembering what life was like their senior year. Bookmarks for a family reunion can include the family name and maybe some interesting facts about the family tree including its oldest family member, where the family originated from and maybe an interesting story or bit of family trivia.
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