
Security & Privacy Training

Security and privacy training is used to protect information stored on a computer. Security and privacy administrators guard against data theft and viruses, and are employed by everything from government agencies to hospitals. They are trained in a variety of ways.
  • Education

    • Security and privacy training can take place at the college level -- either at vocational schools, community colleges or four-year universities. Nearly all these institutions offer courses in computer science and information technology, vital to the security and privacy industry.


    • Professional organizations often provide certification or licensure for security and privacy administrators. While this doesn't necessarily provide thorough training, it does offer evidence that security and privacy workers at least understand the basics of the field. Certification programs vary but typically consist of training and testing and can last anywhere from a few days to several months.

    Hands-On Training

    • Most security and privacy administrators receive their most valuable training while on the job. In this instance, instruction is provided by an experienced worker or supervisor.

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