
Selection Methods for Job Placement

Finding the right employees to help you with your business can be stressful. The right decision in hiring can lead to a fun workplace, efficient production and profit for everyone. The wrong choice can result in misunderstanding, a compromised business and messy separations. The ability to quickly and accurately determine a candidate's skills and strengths is essential for effective hiring.
  • Effective Job Advertisements

    • The first step in seeking out a new employee for a job placement is letting job seekers know that the job is available. You can begin the winnowing process as soon as you start to write your job ad by tailoring it to the type of person you are seeking. Make the job sound demanding to eliminate people who are looking for a quick buck. Make the rewards sound enticing to lure in ambitious people who are willing to work hard for a fair reward.

    Insightful Interviewing

    • The job interview may be the only chance you get to interact with candidates on a personal level. Make the most of it by planning it out and having a list of goals that you intend to fulfill. Since you can acquire most of the hard information you need about someone from their resume, the purpose of the interview should be determine how the person interacts on a personal level and how compatible they will be with the corporate culture of your particular organization.

    The "Good Fit"

    • A "good fit" is a harmony in personal style, work habits and world view among a job applicant and the people she will be working with. No matter how similar people's qualifications may be, they need to get along on a personal level in order to create an effective organization. People who make a good fit tend to be flexible, hard-working, collaborative and in possession of a good sense of humor. A good fit will be willing to work hard from Day One but will recognize that she doesn't yet run the show and will be willing to learn from more experienced colleagues.

    A Place for Everyone

    • If you are in charge of a large organization or corporation, you probably have multiple positions and locations into which a new hire could be placed. An individual who would be inappropriate in marketing might be a real asset in research and development. A skilled manager is able to identify the strengths and interests of job applicants and to visualize where they would be happiest and most productive and where the organization would be most happy to have them.

    Collaborative Decisions

    • Make your final decisions in collaboration with other people in your business. This will help to de-emphasize whatever personal prejudices you may be bringing to the hiring process. Make a point of having candidates meet other people in the company during the interview process, if only for a brief time, so that everyone involved in the decision making will be able to attach a face to the resume. Collaborative hiring decisions will allow a broader range of people to be invested in the success of the new hire.

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