
Symbolism of Carob Trees

Mediterranean trees have long had symbolic significance. The olive tree symbolizes fertility. The Cyprus is associated with the cosmic underworld. The carob tree has cultural significance for Arabs and religious significance for Jews and Christians.
  • Jewish Symbolism

    • The carob tree is a powerful Jewish symbol of return dating to the Babylonian exile, after which Hebrews are believed to have planted carob trees. Planting carob is still a Jewish custom that represents Histap'kut -- the Hebrew term for being satisfied with what you have.

    Arab Symbolism

    • Arab ethno-cultural beliefs -- not Islamic -- regard the carob as a symbol of danger. Carob trees survived in hot, dry places and often provided the only immediate shade, making them a refuge for snakes. The danger of snakes eventually transformed itself into a belief that demons also took residence under the carobs.

    Christian Symbolism

    • Christians also ascribe great significance to the carob tree. The fruit of the tree is called a locust bean, and many scholars believe that the reference to John the Baptist eating "locusts and wild honey" are a reference not to giant grasshoppers, but to the carob -- which makes sense, because eating insects is forbidden by Mosaic dietary codes.


    Unknown said...

    some bugs are permitted to be eaten according to the mosaic laws

    Anonymous said...

    Locusts are kosher and permitted in the bible.