
VBS 2009 Theme Decoration Ideas

    • If your church is hosting a vacation Bible school this summer, coming up with a theme sure to grab the attention of children can be a bit of a challenge. VBS themes from 2009 may prove to be beneficial for your church's event, and will provide you with several decoration ideas to make future VBS especially enjoyable.

    "Operation Space" Decorations

    • If you're having a VBS with the "Operation Space" theme, your decoration ideas should reflect images associated with astronauts and outer space. Decorate the main wall of the room with blue felt adorned with collections of white and silver glitter and glow-in-the-dark stickers in the shape of stars will grab childrens' attention quickly. Posters featuring astronauts and space shuttles should decorate each of the walls in the room. A station in the room with a telescope and pictures of various constellations and planets for children to view makes an attractive decoration as well. Use poster boards to write a few Bible verses that have to do with space, and post the boards on the wall, such as Philippians 2:15: "...children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe."

    "Crocodile Dock" Decorations

    • The decorations for a vacation Bible school with the "Crocodile Dock" theme should make children feel like they're in an animated and attractive swamp. Long pieces of green construction paper can be stapled to the wall to represent the high grass that is commonly seen in a swamp, and plastic plants can create this effect as well. Plastic or plush replicas of animals found in the swamp, such as crocodiles, snakes and fish, should be positioned in the "grass" as well. "Crocodile Dock" VBS lessons focus on various miraculous events in the Bible, so a station in the room that features a synthetic bush with bright red blinking lights to represent the Burning Bush, or a section of the room that features the seven plagues God brought to Egypt. A clear bowl filled with water and red food coloring and small plastic fish can represent the plague, whereby God contaminated the water in Egypt.

    "Studio Go" Decorations

    • A game show is the premise for the "Studio Go" VBS program. A game wheel and attractive signs come with the decoration kit for Studio Go, and you can add other items to the instruction space such as spotlights and streamers and confetti that can be used to celebrate when a child answers a question correctly during the game show. Decor can focus on the Bible stories that are part of the Studio Go curriculum, such as a scepter and tiara for girls to dress up in to represent queen Esther, or large plastic stones children can put together to represent the altar that Gideon built to the Lord.

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