
What Is Application Layer Protocol?

Protocols are sets of standards, or guidelines, used to manage how data is transferred via computer networks. Certain protocols in computer networks are made up of layers, each of which serves a major function in data communication and transfer. One of these layers is the application layer protocol.
  • Definition

    • The application layer protocol is a protocol method used in architectural models in computer networking. These models are stacked in levels, with each interior layer servicing the layer below and above it. The OSI model and TCP/IP both use the application layer.

    OSI Model

    • The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model divides the network communication system into layers to facilitate that communication.The application layer is the lowest level in the model and enables a user to access information on the network via an application. The application layer also determines the availability and identity of communication partners for the application, which enables the application to transmit data to that partner.


    • The TCP/IP, or Internet Protocol Suite, is the set of communication protocols used by computer networks such as the Internet. Like the OSI model, the TCP/IP comprises interconnected layers. The application layer is the bottom level of the suite and contains the protocols used in process-to-process communications, which enable data exchange among multiple simultaneous computer processes.

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