
What Is a Thai Toning Massage?

A Thai toning massage is a therapeutic approach that originated from the Indian Ayurvedic practice, which promotes blood circulation, relaxation and balance. This massage technique is an overall manipulation of the body's energy lines, forces and pressure points. Thai massages may last up to two hours long.
  • Mat Massage

    • A Thai massage practitioner uses their body weight to perform the massage on a floor mat, rather than a table. The floor allows the practitioner to apply pressure on the body with many different movements that would be impossible to complete on a raised table.

    Energy Lines

    • Energy lines, or Sen, are an important part of the traditional Thai massage. There are ten Sen, which are the foundation of all energy lines. The practitioner will use their palms, elbows, feet and thumbs to place pressure on all the Sen, using their balanced body weight as the force driving the pressure.

    Stretching Movements

    • Thai massage employs a variety of stretching movements designed to relax and energize the body. The practitioner will gently stretch the body, which results in a release of body tension as well as increasing the body's flexibility.

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