
What is a VOM Meter?

"VOM" stands for volt/ohm meter. This electronic measurement device is more commonly known as a multimeter. It detects problems in electrical circuits by testing and quantifying voltage, amperage and resistance.
  • Definition

    • Voltage is the force that drives an electric current between two points, measured in volts. Amperage is the rate of flow of an electric current, measured in amperes or amps. Resistance is a measurement of forces that impede the flow of current through a conductor, measured in ohms; a conductor has a resistance of 1 ohm if a voltage of 1 volt produces a current of 1 ampere.


    • Multimeters can be digital or analog. Digital meters display volts, amps and ohms in digits, or in some graphic form (e.g., bars). Analog meters use a needle that moves over scales calibrated for each measurement unit.


    • Multimeters allow users to detect faults, or short circuits. Multimeters are also helpful in testing and troubleshooting electrical components (e.g., diodes), household appliances, electrical wiring, circuit boards, batteries and other devices.

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