
When Is it Appropriate to Do a Threat Survey on a Student?

It is appropriate to conduct a threat survey on a student when a parent, teacher or at-risk team deems it necessary. If a student is a threat to himself or others, a meeting should be called immediately to discuss the matter.
  • Danger to Themselves

    • A danger survey can be conducted for a student if an authority figure feels that a threat exists. A danger could be defined as suicidal idealizations, self-harm or another dangerous situation. If a student is hitting or cutting herself, for example, these are forms of self-harm.

    Danger to Others

    • A parent, teacher, or administrator can ask for a threat survey or assessment if the student is a danger to others. This can include specific acts of violence, or words that can damage the emotional health of other students. The student might talk about weapons, bombs or terrorism, or engage in conversation that damages another's self-esteem or makes other student fearful.

    Behavior At-risk Team

    • The behavior at-risk team's responsibility is to assess the student's behavior to see if it meets the criteria for a threat. Once a determination has been made that the student is a danger to himself or others, the team should set up a strategy and intervention to change the behavior, and protect those involved. Once the behavior is changed, the team should put safeguards in place to monitor the student.

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