
Can I Have More Than One Address for My Business?

According to the Small Business Administration, "choosing the right location for your business can be a major factor in its success or failure." As a business expands or the needs of small-business owners change, the need for multiple addresses may be necessary.
  • Types

    • Entrepreneurs often have more than one address to support different aspects of their business. Many businesses have a physical location or a location where they conduct business and receive clients as well as an address to receive mail and store company documents. Further, as the company grows, the business may expand to additional locations.


    • The IRS will not allow a home office tax deduction if you conduct business from a dedicated office away from your home. For home-based businesses, the home office is the only physical address allowed and business must be exclusively conducted at this address to claim the deduction. However, the business owner is free to obtain a mailing address, such as a P.O. Box, without affecting tax benefits.


    • Make sure your business address is accurate with local business filing authorities and the IRS to avoid legal issues or tax penalties. The secretary of state and the IRS will mail documents to the address you provided when you started your business. If you conduct business and receive mail at different locations, you run the risk of not receiving documents that affect your company's ability to operate legally.

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