
Conference Call Flow Guidelines

Conference calls enable executives from various locations to meet in a virtual forum using the telephone. Facilitators of conference calls must be skilled in how to keep the calls flowing, or moving forward, so that participants do not get off track.
  • Agenda

    • Preparing a meeting agenda is an effective way to stick to the topics that need to be discussed. Agendas outline the information that must be covered throughout the meeting. Furnish conference call participants with an agenda before the meeting, so that all meeting members have a copy in front of them and can visually see how the issues will flow.

    Establish Expectations

    • Conference call facilitators should start off meetings by introducing themselves and establishing group expectations, asking callers to not speak over others, or out of turn, and to eliminate as much background noise as possible. In conference calls, it can become confusing when multiple people are speaking at once.


    • At the end of a conference call, summarize the call's main points that were discussed and identify follow-up items for issues that are outstanding. This is a good way to close a meeting, and it reminds participants of any follow-up steps they need to take.

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