
Energy Assistance for Indianapolis, Indiana

Residents of the Indianapolis metropolitan area may qualify for several different energy bill and weatherization programs offered by Community Action of Greater Indianapolis. Participants must have incomes below state and federal guidelines.
  • Community Action of Greater Indianapolis

    • CAGI energy assistance programs available can assist residents by providing air conditioners in summer and filling bulk fuel tanks for use in the winter. The weatherization program provides qualified residents with furnaces. The program includes safety checks, insulation assistance and help for bringing homes into building code compliance.

    EAP Program Qualifications

    • Energy Assistance Program (EAP) applicants must complete a written application (which can alternatively be submitted online). Income eligibility limits for EAP applicants are established by the Department of Energy (DOE) and range from a maximum annual household income of $16,245 for one person, to a maximum of $55,515 for a family of eight.

    Weatherization Program & Qualifications

    • DOE-established annual income limits are the same as EAP limits for some weatherization programs. Other weatherization programs have annual income limits ranging from a maximum of $21,660 for a one-person household, to a maximum of $74,020 for a household of eight people.

    Assistance Application

    • Applicants must supply supplemental information, including proof of annual income, copies of Social Security cards for everyone in the household, copies of the applicant's most recent electric and heating bills, landlord affidavit (if applicable) and photo identification.

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