
Fire Risks of Mattresses

    • It looks comfortable but is it safe? Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

      Most of us spend about a third of our lives sleeping on mattresses, so it's vitally important that they're safe. However, according to CBS News, hundreds of people are killed in mattress fires each year. The Consumer Product Safety Commission seeks to establish mattress flammability standards to decrease deaths and accidents caused by mattress fires.

    Smoking in Bed

    • If you smoke in bed, you're combining lit objects and drowsiness, a mixture that's potentially very dangerous. You may drop a cigarette, which can soon ignite bedding and spread to the mattress. Simply put, don't smoke in bed.

    Electric Blankets

    • Your electric blanket can fail, like any other electrical device, and cause fires. It needs to be serviced at least every two years, according to "Reader's Digest." Get yours checked by a qualified electrician before using it again.

    Overcrowded Electrical Extension Cords

    • According to the International Labor Office, overcrowded electrical extension cords can be a fire hazard. Have new sockets fitted rather than compromising on safety. If you must use an extension cord, follow the manufacturer's guidance and never plug more items into it than it was intended for. Keep it away from flammable materials and never have it trailing over your mattress.

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