Gas stoves require additional safety precautions. Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
The stove is one of the appliances in your home that you likely use most. Stoves come in different types, and one of those is the gas stove. Gas stoves use propane or natural gas to ignite a flame at the cooking surface that directly heats cooking vessels. The flame and temperature are easily controlled, making it a favorite for those who enjoy cooking. But a gas stove uses a highly combustible gas, so with this type of system, you must take extra safety precautions.
Pay Attention to Gas Odors
If you smell an unusual odor around your kitchen that you can identify as gas, or you hear a hissing sound coming from the stove while it is not being used, your stove may have a gas leak. A gas leak can fill up the room quickly, and the slightest spark can set off an explosion that can seriously injure those in the immediate area. If you suspect the stove has a leak, turn off the gas supply to your stove and open the windows in the kitchen and nearby rooms. Leave the house immediately, and call the fire department or gas company to come to inspect your system before you use it again.
Inspect the Pilot Light
A pilot light is a small flame that is constantly lit. It burns because a small supply of gas feeds it continually. When you turn up the gas to light the cooking surface, the pilot light is responsible for catching the burner on fire so you can use the stove. Typically you can look near the bottom of your unit and see the small blue flame burning. If the pilot is not lit, the slow gas feed through the line can fill your oven or even the room with gas, leading to an explosion hazard. If you notice the pilot has gone out, turn off the gas supply and open windows to clear the air. Once the gas has dissipated, turn the gas back on and relight the pilot according to your stove's instruction manual. Some gas stoves use an electronic ignition and do not have a pilot light; therefore, you won't see a blue flame on these models.
Clean the Burners
Keep burners clean at all times on your gas stove, which is especially important since these types of stoves use an open flame. The flames can set particles of spilled food or other debris on fire and cause dangerous flareups, according to the Gas Stove website.
Keep Handles Turned to the Side
Keep the handles of all pots and pans turned to the side, and never let them hang over the front edge. Since a gas stove heats directly with open flames, the entire pan can get hot, especially if the handles are made of metal. When handles protrude from the edge of the stove, they are more likely to be bumped accidentally and may even be knocked off the stovetop, causing burns and other injuries.
Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector
If you have a gas stove, you should have a carbon monoxide detector in your home nearby. Carbon monoxide is present when any type of fuel is burned, and gas stoves are no exception. These detectors alert you if the level of carbon monoxide, which is odorless and colorless, gets too high in the house.
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