
How to Use a VB to Call Access a Query

Knowing how to query an Access database table using Microsoft Visual Basic.NET can make your Windows application more dynamic. Access is a relational database management system included in the Microsoft Office suite. VB.NET is a computer programming language used to create Windows applications. In a few steps, you can create a VB.NET application to access the Northwind database included with MS Office and query the customers table.
    • 1

      Open Microsoft Visual Basic Express and click "New Project..." on the left pane of your screen. Double-click "Console Application."

    • 2

      Type the following in the very first line of "Module1.vb":

      Imports System.Data.OleDb

    • 3

      Type the following below "Sub Main()" to declare your variables:

      Dim conn As OleDbConnection

      Dim strSQL As String

      Dim ds As DataSet

      Dim tmpStr As String

    • 4

      Type the following to create a new select query to query the "Customers" table:

      strSQL = "SELECT Customers.* FROM Customers;"

      conn = New OleDbConnection _

      ("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=F:\DemandStudios\Archive\Northwind 2007.accdb;")

    • 5

      Type the following to create a new connection to your database:

      Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection

      Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter

      da = New OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)

      ds = New DataSet

    • 6

      Type the following to loop through all the records returned by the query and save them to a string variable:

      da.Fill(ds, "Customers")

      For Each rowCust In ds.Tables("Customers").Rows

      tmpStr = tmpStr & rowCust("Company").ToString() & "|"

      tmpStr = tmpStr & rowCust("Last Name").ToString() & "|"

      tmpStr = tmpStr & rowCust("First Name").ToString() & "|" & vbLf


    • 7

      Type the following to output the results to the Console Window:



    • 8

      Type the following to close your database connection:


      Press "F5" to run your program.

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