
Gift Ideas for a Teenage Girlfriend

  • Soundtrack

    • Surprise your girl with the gift of music. Create a soundtrack to your love. Download love songs, her favorite songs and your song if you have one. Add songs that remind you of her if you have extra recording space. If you are tight on cash, visit the dollar store and and purchase a blank compact disc to burn the soundtrack on. If money is no object, buy an MP3 player and sync it with all the songs you compiled. If you are technically savvy, record personal messages to your girl and copy it to whichever device you chose.

    Costume Jewelry

    • Many teenage girls love stuffed animals almost as much as jewelry. Add a touch of class to a plain teddy bear or doll and surprise your girlfriend. After you pick out your stuffed doll, shop for doll or baby clothes and create an outfit. Look for an outfit similar to one your girl owns. Next, find the perfect necklace or bracelet that she will love. Place the costume on the toy and adorn it with the jewelry before delivering to your girlfriend. Get a kick out of her reaction when she realizes the necklace is really for her.

    Locked in Love

    • If you're ready to take the next step and tell your girlfriend you love her, add some creativity with this gift idea. Create a loving gesture by offering her the key to your heart. Purchase a silver key pendant, draw or paint a key and frame it or personalize an old key with paints and stains. If your short on cash, make the key in your shop class project rather than buying one. Create a romantic atmosphere with candles and music when you offer your gift of love to your gal.

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