
How Can I Get My Child Care Provider's EIN?

An EIN, or Employer Identification Number, is a unique number that the Internal Revenue Service issues to each business entity that has employees. It is similar to a Social Security number for individuals, and as such, must be protected. Having the EIN of your child care provider may allow you to perform a business background check so you will know who is taking care of your child. You may run into challenges in obtaining the EIN because business owners may be reluctant to give the number out, unless it is to an employee or creditor.
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      Ask the child care business' owner for the number. Tell her that you would like to do a simple check on the business to verify its background and licensure.

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      Go online to an EIN search database. Though limited, EIN search websites such as Feinsearch.com and KnowX.com allow you to search not only for the EIN, but also for basic information about your child care provider.

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      Type in any information you know about the child care provider such as the name and location of the business. Pay any fees for searching. Some sites charge a weekly, monthly or a yearly rate.

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