
How to Convert in Ground Pool to Saltwater

Swimming pool salt systems are designed to lessen the amount of maintenance a pool requires. Salt generators take the place of regular sanitizers like chlorine tablets and shocks, using salt applied to the water to generate chlorine. In-ground pools are converted to the salt system by installing a generator into existing plumbing, and by pouring the initial salt treatment into the pool water. As long as the salt content of the pool is kept at an optimal level, salt water pools are relatively hassle free.
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      Neutralize any bromine or baquacil chemicals in the pool water. Baquacil and bromine have a negative reaction when brought into contact with the chlorine generated by a salt pool, causing murky water and stained equipment. Draining the pool water completely and starting with a fresh body of water is the most effective way to remove bromine and baquacil from the pool. Alternatives to water draining are extremely heavy chlorine shock treatments which slowly deplete the bromine and bacuacil levels in the pool.

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      Attach your salt generator to your pool. Most generators are installed directly in line with the existing plumbing using glue and primer. Due to the large variety of salt generators, refer to your owner's manual for any special installation instructions.

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      Apply 50 lbs. of pool-quality salt to the pool per 10,000 gallons of water held in the pool. Wait for the salt to dissolve, then gather a water sample of the pool. Insert a salt testing strip into the water sample bottle. Allow the strip to stay submerged in the water for three to four minutes, then record the results. Keep adding salt until the test reads a salt content of at least 4,000 parts per million (ppm).

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