
How to Coordinate a Dinner/Auction Fundraiser for a Family

Hosting a dinner auction for a family in need can bring in significant donations. However, a successful dinner fundraiser requires the work of dedicated volunteers to ensure that the event is well attended and brings in donations for the family. Organizing a dinner auction fundraiser begins long before the day of the event and requires coordination with all of the event's participants.
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      Find a location to host your dinner auction fundraiser. Look for a site that can accommodate the crowd you anticipate. Ask your children's school or your church about renting a space like the gym or parish hall. You can often do so at a very low price--or possibly free. Tell them about the family in need when asking to rent the space.

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      Network with the community for donations. Ask local businesses to donate goods or services that you can auction off. Gift cards always work well. Find a restaurant that is willing to supply the food or a grocery store that will donate the food items for you to prepare. The lower your overhead costs, the more money you can raise to support the family. So, focus on obtaining as many donations as possible.

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      Publicize the event. The more guests your dinner auction attracts, the more money you can raise. Ask the local newspaper or television station to do a story about the family your fundraiser supports. Tug at the heartstrings of the community by letting them know just why the family needs their support. Give information about the event in these media spots, and post ads in school newsletters, church bulletins and on community bulletin boards so that the community knows about the fundraiser.

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      Establish a fundraising goal. Perhaps the family in need suffered from a house fire and needs $10,000 to get their lives back on track. Identify a realistic amount of money your dinner auction can raise, and determine exactly how you will raise that money. Will you charge tickets at the door? If so, how much should the tickets be? Will you rely solely on auction funds for donations?

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      Organize a team of volunteers. Assign each volunteer a specific task. Some might serve as wait staff who serve the dinner, while others can man the silent auction tables to monitor bids and encourage people to vote. Assign one volunteer to work with the guests of honor, if they will be there. The volunteer can make sure that the family is comfortable at the event and can answer any questions they have.

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