
How to Stop Blushing When Talking to Someone You Like

Blushing is normal and natural. Some people think it is attractive. However, this is not much consolation to a person who hates the fact that she blushes. It is also a matter of degree. A mild blush that quickly fades away is not a big deal. However, turning bright red and sweating is a different matter. Blushing may be something that began in childhood or it may have developed later. It is when a person feels that her blushing is seriously affecting her life that she may seek help. Blushing when speaking to someone you like is common, but there are ways of lessening its impact.
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      Admit that you are a blusher. This may seem a crazy thing to do, but it will instantly take the anxiety level down a notch or two. Try to laugh and say something like, "look at me, blushing again, I'm always doing this," then move on in the conversation. Blushing stems from self-consciousness. Instead of focusing on yourself, focus on what the other person is saying. Listen actively and try to dismiss other thoughts from your mind.

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      Accept the fact that you are a blusher. Do not try to fight it. This will only make it worse. Fear of blushing is known as erythrophobia. When you think you are going to blush, it is natural to try and fight it, but this increases your anxiety levels. It is heightened anxiety, particularly social anxiety, that causes you to blush.

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      Be yourself when talking to someone you like. Do not try to be cool as this will put you under more strain. Recognize that if this person is worth getting to know better your blushing will not put him off in any way. If it does, he is a very shallow person, and you are best finding this out at an early stage, before wasting any more time on him.

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