
Resources for Medical Marketing

  • Websites

    • The Internet has transformed every single industry, including the medical industry. Marketers can now communicate key information about their products and services faster and more efficiently than ever before. Websites are resources that are vital to the success of medical marketers. Health care professionals use websites to communicate important information about their practice. Pharmaceutical companies use websites to communicate key efficacy and safety information; and hospitals and pharmacies use websites to discuss important policies and procedures.

    Social Media

    • Social media is used as a resource for medical marketers to connect with customers on a more personal level. Doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and health care companies are creating pages on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter to interact with customers and communicate important product and service updates. Use social media sites as a resource to provide valuable information about your medical business.


    • Newsletters are another resource medical marketers use to connect with customers. You can create a print-based or email newsletter that you send to customers on a monthly basis. Newsletters can be an important resource for customers if you provide an incentive for them to read the newsletter. Offer special discounts, bonuses and relevant content that makes your reader value the newsletter. Give them tips for healthier living, saving money on health care costs or navigating the health care system.

    Direct Mail

    • Direct mail is any marketing piece that you send via postal mail directly to your prospective customer. Direct mail is a resource medical marketers use to promote their products and services to a targeted group of people. For this resource to be effective for medical marketers, you need to highlight specific benefits the reader will get out of your medical products or services. For example, if you're a doctor sending a direct mail postcard to potential patients, you can highlight the fact that you offer free nutritional counseling that can help your patients lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle. Always end a direct mail piece with a specific call to action, which is what you want the reader to do after reading the mailer.

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