
Safety & Shop Management

One of the most important items on any manager's to-do list is to run his shop safely and efficiently. This not only means preventing untimely accidents before they occur, but responding quickly and effectively when they do.
  • Liability

    • Liability essentially means "legal responsibility." As a manager, it is your job to ensure that everything possible is done to reduce your company's liability and safeguard the well-being of customers, vendors and workers in your shop.


    • Part of reducing liability involves preventing dangerous accidents before they occur. Follow all safety protocols issued by your shop's parent organization. Areas of safety often overlooked by workers and managers include posting hazard signs when cleanups are taking place, or complying with state-regulated, hand-washing procedures.


    • At times, even with the best of intentions, unforeseen accidents occur. Determine beforehand the protocol for reporting and responding to such incidents. When an accident happens in your shop, obtain emergency medical care for any victims. A follow-up report is often required by higher members of management.

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