
Types of Ornamental Fences

    • Ornamental fences not only make your property safer and more secure, they also add an attractive quality to your home. These fences are made from a variety of materials, including wood, vinyl and metal and have and are aesthetically pleasing, as they feature decorative accents. An ornamental fence can define your property line or provide security for your kids and pets while being visually appealing.

    Picket Fence

    • A picket fence often conjures up images of small-town America. This type of fence is made up of vertical pickets, or boards, that are attached to two horizontal planks and are tapered at the top. A gap is left between each picket, enabling one to look through the fence. These fences are traditionally made of wood, though they are now also constructed from vinyl. The pickets may all be one height or for a more decorative look, the pickets may have varying heights -- for example, every other picket may be a different height or the pickets may be taller toward the ends of the fence and gradually get shorter toward the center, giving the fence a curved look.

    Wrought Iron

    • Similar to picket fences, wrought iron fences are also made up of horizontal slats that are attached to vertical posts. Also like picket fences, they do not offer much privacy, as there are gaps between each of the slats and are used primarily to delineate property lines, as well as for decorative accents. Since they are made of wrought iron and are set in concrete, they are highly durable. These fences come in a variety of looks, as the pickets can be rounded or pointed and other decorative details, such as finials and scroll work can be incorporated into them.

    Split Rail Fence

    • Split rail fences are ideal for those who want to define their property line but want their view obstructed as minimally as possible. These fences were originally used by farmers to keep their livestock on their property, but because they are resilient and they don't hinder views, they have become popular ornamental fences used by homeowners. These fences consist of posts that are inserted into the ground and two rail that are run horizontally between the posts. Though wood is the common material used for split rail fences, they can also be constructed from vinyl, which gives homeowners color options for their fences. Vinyl is also more durable than wood, as it won't chip, fade or rot.

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